
Welcome to St. Peter’s Parish, a Roman Catholic community in the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall. We, the St. Peter’s Community, are committed to joyfully celebrating and deepening our faith in the Liturgy, nourished by the Word of God and by the Holy Eucharist.


January 19, 2025 – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time C

Check the parish bulletins for reflections and prayers, as well as the latest news from St. Peter’s parish.

Sunday hospitality – Mark your calendars, and call for volunteers!

Do you like to socialize after Sunday mass? Perhaps you would like to volunteer to make the tea/coffee and set out the cookies, muffins, Timbits juice boxes, and clean up afterwards on one Sunday a month. Please email or call the office if you are interested.

We will be starting our first Hospitality Sunday, on February 2, 2025.  We hope to see you there!

2024-2025 Sunday missals have arrived!

2024-2025 Sunday missals are now available for purchase at the parish office for 8$ each.

First Friday devotions

Join us the first Friday of each month for mass at 8:00am, followed by one hour of adoration and confessions from 8:30-9:30am.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is back!

Children are invited to join us at the 9:30am mass as we explore the Word of God in a way that is engaging and meaningful for our young ones. Parents are welcome to accompany their little ones. We look forward to seeing you there!

Image credit: Cliparts Zone

The Holy Father’s monthly prayer intentions

January – For the right to an education
Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.

Rite of Christian initiation of adults (RCIA)

RCIA is a ministry carried out by the RCIA team to provide welcome, support and encouragement to those seeking to become members of the Church, or to answer questions you may have about the Catholic Church. If you would like more information, please contact the parish office at 613-733-1553 or at stpeters1640@gmail.com.

Donate to the parish

We appreciate donations to help with church operations and maintenance, and to assist in achieving our mission of promoting the love and compassion that Jesus Christ showed to all people. Visit Donate to learn more. Thank you so much for your continued generosity and
support in keeping our Church operating and beautiful.

Welcome new parishioners!

We are delighted to welcome you into our parish community! If you would like to register with our parish, please complete the Registration Form (Word format or PDF format) and email it to us, or leave it at the church office.