The Parish Pastorial Council is a consultative body that shares with the pastor and his staff the planning and coordinating of overall policies and goals of the parish.
The Council is concerned with all aspects of parish life, and once having established policies and goals, and the means to achieve these goals, the Council monitors and evaluates the work of the various ministries and committees in the parish.
The implementation of the Pastoral Council policies is entrusted to parish staff, ministries and committees of the parish.
Objectives of the Parish Pastorial Council
- Proclaiming the Gospel
- Building up of a caring Christian community
- Acting as the representative of the parish membership
- Working for the spiritual renewal of all members of the parish community by concern for, and attention to, the quality of the liturgical services, education and catechetical programs, spiritual formation, community service
- Discerning the needs, spiritual and temporal, of the parish community and organizing and planning the structures required to fulfill these needs
- Working for a just society with other churches and organizations in the neighborhood and in the wider community
The pastor is the spiritual leader of the parish. He is also the president of the Pastoral Council in accordance with Canon Law, and therefore his role is central to the Council.
The Pastoral Council comprises the pastor and up to ten members. The term of each member is normally three years. Ideally new members are added to the Council yearly, and at least one third of the membership is renewed every year. The Council has a designated Chairperson and a Secretary. The Pastoral Council works closely with the Finance Committee on matters regarding the funding of pastoral needs and the long-term development of the parish. All parishioners are most welcome to attend these meetings, and also to put their names forward for membership on the Council.
Time commitment
The Council meets monthly, except in July and August. Meetings (7:00 – 8:30 p.m.) are held on the Second Wednesday of every month, September to June, plus any special events or projects that the member is willing to participate in.