List of committees and ministries

Altar Servers

Lead: Richard Sutton

Servers assist the presider by preparing the altar and making sure that what is needed for the celebration is brought, carried or moved into place. The server is concerned with almost every aspect of the celebration of the liturgy.

Bereavement Committee

These dedicated parishioners provide consolation and a meal following a family death.

Bible Study Group

Parishioners come together to study and discuss their Catholic faith and Sacred Scripture, to hear interesting issue-oriented speakers, and to develop greater spirituality in a spirit of fellowship and prayer.


These individuals teach and proclaim the Word, giving witness to their faith in dedication to the life of the Church in our Faith Formation programs.  Please contact the parish office if you have any questions.

Children’s liturgy

Lead: Karen Slywchuk and Pauline Kisaakye

The children leave the church together at the beginning of Mass; and are taken to a classroom in the school area to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word at an age appropriate level. Leaders guide the children through song, crafts, skits, music, prayer and presentations. These volunteer leaders and musicians help bring the Word of God to the children in a way they can relate to and easily understand. Upon their return to the church after the homily, the children join their parents to listen, observe and pray, providing them with an opportunity to be introduced to the Mass symbols and rituals that will lead them to a relationship with Christ through the Word and Eucharist.

As well as group leaders, students who need volunteer hours for school would be most welcome on the committee.

Cleaners Gardening/Landscape

These dedicated parishioners work tirelessly to keep our parish clean, grounds beautiful throughout the year, especially spring, summer and fall.

Craft and Sewing Group

While sharing faith and fellowship, their hands and minds create beautiful and useful articles for sale. The proceeds are used for supplies and to offer donations to the church and other organizations.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

Lead: Richard Sutton

An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a layperson formally instituted to distribute Holy Communion during Mass. After proper instruction, many parishioners serve as Eucharistic Ministers at daily and weekend Masses.

Food Pantry

Heron Road Bank provides emergency help for those members of our community who cannot provide food for themselves. Volunteers give their time to stock shelves, purchase groceries, donate garden produce and work in the pantry during the open hours.



  • Saturday 5:00 pm mass: The priest and Richard Sutton
  • Sunday 9:30 am mass: Martin Elsaesser
  • Sunday 11:00 am mass: The priest and Richard Sutton

This ministry helps to facilitate the public prayer of the Church in the Liturgy of the Word. Lectors strive to make the Liturgy of the Word as meaningful as possible for the worshipping assembly, celebrated in a way that fosters meditation. After proper instruction, the Lectors proclaim the Word of God for our daily and weekend liturgies.

Music Ministry


  • Saturday 5:00 pm: Vacant
  • Sunday 9:30 am: Grace Flores, Collie Scholance, and company
  • Sunday 11:00 am: Rhonda Byrne and choir (organist)

The Music Ministry of St. Peter’s strives to lead and inspire our parish family to praise God with our instruments and voices at weekend liturgies and other parish services throughout the year.

Parish Finance Council

Lead: Michael Murray

The diocese provides policies and procedures to which all parish and mission financial councils must adhere. There is a significant responsibility associated with being stewards of the temporary resources of the Church. The members of the finance council have the responsibility to safeguard the Church’s assets, to exercise prudence in financial matters, to be accountable to those who provide monetary support to the Church, and to comply with all civil regulations.

Parish Pastorial Council

Their role is to bring concerns that affect the whole parish community to the attention of the pastor. The members of the council represent the parish ministries and organizations.


Lead: Richard Sutton

The sacristans help prepare the physical elements necessary for celebrating the Mass. They ready the sacred vessels for the Eucharistic Liturgy (weekdays and weekends), setting out appropriate quantities of bread and wine in the Sanctuary for Mass. Following the celebration of Mass, the sacristans will cleanse the sacred vessels in the sacristy and prepare them for the next Mass.

Saint Vincent de Paul

This Guild fosters spiritual, educational, charitable, and social activities for women and men of all ages. This group of women and men is dedicated to community service and social and spiritual enrichment of members. Throughout the year, these women and men assist with many parish activities, host events, support several charitable organizations, and sponsor projects throughout the community.


Parishioners count and record the weekly offertory collection and special collections. Anyone interested in this ministry should contact the pastor.


The usher greet you, help you find a seat, counts attendance, passes the collection baskets, distributes the bulletin, offers assistance, and ensures an orderly process during the Sacrament of the Eucharist.